Value Analysis/Value Engineering :
it is a systematic and organized procedural decision-making process. It has been used in almost any kind of application. It helps people creatively generate alternatives to secure essential functions at the greatest worth as opposed to costs. This is referred to as value. It is also known as Value Analysis, Value Management, Value Planning, and a host of other names.

VAVE answers 3 big questions:
What must the item do?
What does the item cost?
What is the item worth?

VA/VE evaluates your products and supply chain from a unique perspective allowing for cost reduction, improved quality, and meaningful supplier relationships.
Different ways you can use VA/VE within your manufacturing environment
VA/VE can be applied in various ways to achieve product/process cost savings.
First decide the manufacturing area that is most critical: New Product Development or Items Currently in Production.

Next, decide if you will focus within your four walls, outside your four walls, or both.
  • Internal VA/VE Focus: Improvement areas that you control
  • External VA/VE Focus: Supplier development and cost reduction
  • Joint Internal/External VA/VE Focus: Total value chain improvement
Steps to take when doing a VA/VE project
Below is a typical VA/VE methodology framework.
Typical Benefits of a VA/VE Project
  • Reduce piece cost and total cost — up to 25% across the board savings
  • Improve operational performance 20-50%
  • Improve product quality between 30-50%
  • Reduce the manufacturing costs up to 30%
  • Improved customer-supplier relations
  • Cost avoidance on future programs
  • Reduction in product variations
Who Should Use Aether's VA/VE Services?
If you are not happy with the current level of profitability on your products,
if you are looking for an innovative way to drive cost out of your products and improve quality,
if you are looking to build meaningful relationships with your key suppliers,
then you should consider e-Yantrik's's Value Analysis / Value Engineering services.

Reducing product cost has taken on many different looks - six sigma, lean manufacturing, design to cost and the most common method is to demand price reductions from suppliers. Price demands have resulted in some success but have also resulted in strained relationships with suppliers. And unhealthy supplier relationships will not allow you to optimize your supply chain, product quality, or the long-term health of your company.
VA/VE is an innovative way of reducing product costs while simultaneously strengthening the relationships with your key suppliers, and improving product quality. Improvement occurs both internally to your organization as well as externally with your suppliers. It's a win - win situation for all involved.
VA/VE allows you to get price reductions from your suppliers while allowing them to remain profitable.

e-Yantrik brings years of VA/VE experience to your company. We can help you change the way you approach product cost reduction, change the way you look at your supply base, and provide valuable results.
e-Yantrik's VA/VE solutions look at your products and supply chain from a unique perspective allowing for cost reduction, improved quality, and meaningful supplier relationships.

We offer 5 levels of VA/VE projects:

Comprehensive VAVE project starting with Selection to ensure the focus is on the highest value areas through Investigate, Create & Evaluate to identify the cost savings, quality improvement alternatives.

  • Product cost savings — typically 10:1 ROI,
  • Improved quality,
  • Improved designs,
  • Improved supplier relations.
  • A complex assembly,
  • One or many suppliers,
  • Select phase — evaluate phase.
1.5 to 3 months

VAVE Selection

A comprehensive spend analysis on a complex assembly to identify the parts & suppliers that will return the highest savings from VAVE.

  • Ensures future VAVE activity is focused on the biggest savings opportunities.
  • A complex assembly,
  • Select phase only.
1 to 2 weeks

Quick VAVE

Comprehensive VAVE project that starts with Investigate. This assumes you have already identified the specific parts and/or suppliers to focus on. Cost savings and quality improvement alternatives will be identified.

  • All the benefits of Full VAVE - on the specific pre-selected parts.
  • A specific commodity, part, or minor assembly,
  • Internally focused or supplier focused on 1 - 3 suppliers,
  • Investigate phase — Evaluate phases.
3 to 6 weeks

Cost Reduction Workshops

Experienced VAVE facilitators will run workshops either internally focused or with a supplier. Facilitator will ask questions that are key to drive the cost savings ideas of out of the subject matter experts.

  • Experienced facilitators will ask the right questions to get the highest value possible for the least effort.
  • A specific commodity, part, or minor assembly,
  • Internally focused or supplier-focused on 1 supplier.
2 to 3 days

Lean Manufacturing Assessment

Interviews and plant walk-through will be conducted to assess the effectiveness of a facility's use of lean manufacturing techniques. Improvement areas will be identified.

  • Identifies areas of improvement in manufacturing,
  • Improves supplier relations.
  • One manufacturing facility,
  • Focused on evaluating the application of key lean manufacturing elements.
2 to 3 days

Right Time for VAVE??

As products go through 3 stages in their complete life-cycle, before being out of date.
(1) Developmental
(2) Growth and
(3) Maturity
The value of the product slowly increases in development and growth stages as more features are added and desired changes and modifications are effected. At maturity stage the value increases to peak and then slowly starts reduction because of competition, change of customer tastes and other factors.
That is the time and stage when OEM seek value analysis and value engineering to enhance the product value by cost reduction and lengthen the maturity period.
Time and cost invested in the VA/VE is far less than that of a new product design. If systematically employed, value analysis and vale engineering (VA/VE) achieve great economies and increased efficiency.

Our Methodology

We partner with clients to integrate value engineering strategies across entire value chain including product design, prototype developments, production processes and supply chain to drive down costs and enhance product value.
The objective of our value engineering services is to identify and eliminate high cost areas in the value chain, ensuring a balance between efficient use of resources and decreased operating costs.
Our VA/VE team works closely with product designers, engineers and other stakeholders to ensure appropriateness and accuracy in information, which in turn helps in improving the operational efficiency of the organization.